Monday, September 26, 2016

Supplies and Materials

TimeHop showed October's order two years ago: 


 I thought I would share this year's, most of which are set to arrive today thanks to Amazon Prime. 

I found humor in that I'm still slowly collecting the Christian Heroes Then and Now series. There are over 40 currently, I am half way there 😉. I do most of my ordering from Amazon and MFW directly . From time to time, I'll find used online or half price books. 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Day in the Life

Morning with co-op included picture day for the yearbook. After quiet time, we finished up our curriculum. Daddy worked super late and the boys rode bikes up and down the street with neighbors . Winning all around. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Weekly Art and worksheets

Weeksheet organization for this year included everyone getting a clipboard. I fill them up at the beginning of the week and they go through them. It's also where we put the art we are working on for that week. 

M 2nd grade- social studies not booking page. 
D kinder- phonics worksheet
L 2s- Day 5 creation craft

Monday, September 12, 2016

Week in the life

Prep for the week is minimal due to lesson plans built in to the curricula. I hang visuals and set out worksheets . 

For 2nd grade, I research videos and pull out the perspective read along and do a quick Pinterest search on the corresponding science or history material. M enjoys daily math

Science topic this week is constellations so we played a couple of educational YouTube videos, downloaded flash cards from Pinterest,  pulled out our constellation globe and he made constellations out of stars and white crayon on black paper. 

For kinder, I gather books and file folders for the letter of the week. I'm so thankful for the advice to buy several different supplements for M, knowing what didn't work for older brother may work for his two younger siblings.  I have ideas and additional crafts/ projects as Ds interest and our time allows. 
D enjoys the worksheets and the outdoor exploring that's encouraged. We don't do quite as much book reading for him at this point in the year due to lack of interest on his part. 

For our 2 year old, the older brothers help gather toys with the weekly color, also used for counting, shapes, textures, pattern and sorting .  L piggy backs identifying the letter that D is learning for handwriting and phonics.  We sing, do nursery rhymes, bible story, play and color. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Enrichment Classes

In the Fall of 2014, I began researching and visiting Homeschool coops. We belong to a causal field trip group and craft/ book group, but I was looking for a large group with more options for each kid and on their individual ages.  Down the road they off credit/ dual credit, athletics, drama, prom, etc. They put organize a yearbook, field trips etc. This coop has over 100 local families with plenty of opportunities  for our kids to know they are not alone in this home school journey.  We chose one closest to our home that neighbors recommended. 

We went on the wait list over Spring Break in 2015. Our first class session was today. 

M offered to talk about his morning, which is rare, at lunch in the gym. He was excited and ready to go to his last class after he was done eating.  I caught sight of him while I was teaching a different class during first hour and he was engaged. 

D loved his Jack project and talked of beans and seeds . I was so glad I made the choice for PreK classes so he'd have the stability of staying in the same classroom and teacher . I spotted him during third hour and he was going along with his class. 

L charmed his teachers and I spotted him on the playground during second hour having fun. I'm also across the hall from him fourth hour. 

I listed my teaching history, interests, talents and abilities on the questionnaire during registration . I was assigned American Girl history for two hours. First hour was a tween group of 9-11 year old girls  , second hour  a 2nd/ 3rd grade range. Third hour I grade for a Christian world view class and the 4th hour I'm in the nursery with one year olds. 

We talked with so many people, co teachers, parents and kids. Our  precious neighbor Ann checked on us and ate lunch with our friend Elisabeth and her kiddos. I laughed with other 'red dot' new families on how many times we got turned around or lost in the building.