Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Lessons Plans

A Teacher's Plan: Templates

The Mom Binder project is done for now to the extent it can be. The Printables section is really the most unfilled. I will print out paper materials as we go along. Most of what we are doing is activity not paper driven since M is only 21 months old.

The second unfinished section is Lesson Planning. So, I'm looking for some ideas as how to schedule out our time by day and hour. This site was great inspiration! I'm going to start planning out a month at a time and see how that works. I have chosen at least through preschool to go with the spiral teaching method. Since I know our local public school district's Kindergarten Readiness Plans centers mostly around letters, numbers, shapes and colors, I will teach those core concepts in increasing degrees of difficulty for the next 3 years. That will bring us to the fall M turns 5. Year one of preschool - age 2- will be speaking and identification. Year two of preschool - age 3- will be phonics and one to one correspondence. Year 3 - age 4- will involve writing and counting to 20. Bible, life & social skills, art, music, PE, and unit studies will be taught each year.

Weekly Lesson Plan Forms

Planning Ahead

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