Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Week 2

M is 22 months old and this week we are studying the letter A

 and the number 1.

Also, this article really spoke to me about blind spots while Home Schooling our children. I think it could have been titled Parenting Blind Spots and still been appropriate. Here are his main points. Decide for yourself if you'd like to read more:

1. Having Self-Centered Dreams
2. Raising Family as an Idol
3. Emphasizing Outward Form
4. Tending to Judge
5. Depending on Formulas
6. Over-Dependence on Authority and Control
7. Over-Reliance on Sheltering
8. Not Passing on a Pure Faith
9. Not cultivating a Loving Relationship with our Children

His Conclusion:

I am convinced that the most contagious parenting is living a heartfelt faith before your children. Fruitful interaction is not about what you do to your young people, but who you are with them. It's about having a real faith in God, and expressing it in a real relationship with a real person--not about methods and self-working principles. God intends that the side-effect of loving Jesus and enjoying the grace of the gospel will be that all people--including our children--will be touched by the Savior in us. I pray in Jesus' name that as you read these words you will experience the grace of God in a fresh and new way.

I believe the heart issue so many people allude to and talk about in regard to reaching other people is rooted in the Trinity. I believe we must have a close personal relationship with God the Father, Jesus the son and the Holy Spirit. My faith tells me with out all three we are left with a hollow incomplete life as a Christian. God provides a sense of belonging and purpose for this life on earth. He defines all of our rules to live by. Jesus provides love and forgiveness. His sacrifice ensures that our relationship with Him continues after our time on earth ends. The Holy Spirit gives us a conscious, self control, bravery and strength. He is essential to resisting sin and responding to Him speaking to our hearts. Only then can we even begin to live up to God's individual calling in each of our unique lives.

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